Tuesday, June 19, 2012

15 months

A LOT has changed since 12 months...

15 month stats:
Wt~ 28.2 lb (97%)
Ht~ 32.75 in (93%)

According to the pediatrician, Mason is starting to "round out" on the growth curve... according to the people standing behind me in the grocery store he is still a "BIG boy". Either way, I am so blessed to have a happy, healthy 15 month old.

Over the past month, Mason has perfected his walking ability and is even starting to run places. People ask me if it is easier or harder now that he is walking, and to that I fully say it is easier. My back could hardly take carrying a 28 lb baby around anymore, so it has been a nice relief being able to let him walk places. However, he thinks that he is a big boy and doesn't have to hold mommy's hand, so we have had many a temper tantrum in the middle of the parking lot. This past week he got his first boo boo from falling on the pavement, which of course hurt me ten times worse than it did him. Along with the increased mobility comes increased curiosity... he wants to play in/on/with everything. When he first started climbing on the couch I thought it was cute and funny and took lots of pictures, until he started running on the couch and fell off. Needless to say, that is a habit that we had to break quickly. He also loves hiding in the cabinets and still loves climbing up the stairs.

"They" (whomever they are) say that toddlers are like sponges... just soak up everything you do and say. I never understood that until recently. I feel like I should be teaching him algebra because he would probably catch on to it pretty quickly. He can say about 10 words...some of his favorites are sister, water, night night, no no (unfortunately he probably hears this more and more now a days), and of course mama! He is learning his animal sounds, but thinks that everything has a "ruff ruff" in front of it. He is also starting to learn how to tell us he is hungry/full which is a HUGE help in feeding him! He goes to his highchair when he is hungry and shakes his head when he is full. In ways, things are getting easier (he is trying to learn ways to communicate with us) but the amount of time chasing him around the house has picked up ten fold!

Mason and I were able to meet my sister and her girls, and my brother, in Huntsville to enjoy some family time. This is something we started back when the kids were babies and have carried it on every couple months. The 3 cousins had a blast playing together, and it is always nice catching up with family!

Looking forward to our 2012 Family beach trip coming up in June..pictures coming soon!

Thanks to my wonderful husband for a great Mother's Day!