Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Mason Turns ONE!

Seriously? My baby (actually, my toddler) is already ONE?? Where has the past year gone? I've been thinking about his birthday party for a couple of months now, but thinking is as far as I've gotten. I ran through themes in my head (perhaps a train theme, or a monkey theme, or maybe a book theme) but nothing really stood out to me. So, I decided to scratch the theme idea all together and just make it a simple birthday party. After all, it's just another day to him. I an TERRIBLE at creative ideas, but luckily I have a mom who is pretty good at coming up with ideas (she would deny it all day long, but she is actually really creative). My mom came in town on Wed and spent three days helping me plan this party (thanks mom!). Mason was very blessed to have his family and friends with him on his big day. Here are LOTS of pictures that capture the excitement.. hang on and enjoy!

Everyone wonders how their child will react to the cake. Since Mason puts everything in his mouth, I figured he would dive right into it and eat it all up. He definately "smashed" it, but was a litle hesitant to actually eat the cake. I wish I had a video, but I do have LOTS of pictures because it was so darn cute.

Mason got some great presents for his birthday...lots of toys and clothes (always needed!). I should say I opened presents while Mason played with the paper, but regardless it was fun.

Thank you to everyone who came and enjoyed this special day with us. I say it a lot, but I am truly truly blessed to have such amazing family and friends!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Baby Dedication 2012

Each February, Otter Creek has a dedication that honors all the babies born in the past year. Mason barely missed it last year, so he was one of the oldest babies to be honored this year. Baby Dedication is a HUGE deal ot OC... as Josh put it, it's like the "Super Bowl for moms". The parent's stand before the church and make a commitment to bring their child up in a Godly home, knowing God and being an example of what it means to love Jesus Christ, while the church makes a commitment to be accountable to the parents and teach their child along the way.  Melanie and Janet  (the Childrens Ministry coordinators) gave each baby a New Testament and a Baby Blessings book that was put together by "rookie"members of OC.There were a lot of babies this year- 38 total. My parents, brother, and grandmother were able to come in town to celebrate with us. After the church service, there was a lunch that was hosted by the parents who dedicated their babies last year. (I am convinced that church ladies have their own cooking club because it doesn't matter what church you go to, the potatoe casserole is ALWAYS amazing! And I never see it anywhere else?!) Anyways, each baby had a table decorated just for them- it was very special! Here are some pictures of the big event.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Birthday Sunday

Otter Creek has a long standing tradition of honoring kids (age birth to 18yr) on their birthday. The first Sunday of every month all the kids with birthday's in that month are called on stage while the audience sings them 'Happy Birthday' and a prayer is said for them. Well this was Mason's first Birthday Sunday! I think that is when it hit me that he is seriously growing up and about to turn one. After service all the kids get to enjoy cake. I want his birthday party to be the first time he gets to experience this luxury, so we passed on the church cake. Here are some pics from the big day: