Wednesday, February 8, 2012

11 Months

I can NOT believe my baby is about to turn one! I guess that means he isn't a "baby" anymore...he's a toddler?! Well this past month came with a lot of excitement, sorrow, and sickness. I have to admit that I haven't taken near as many pictures this past month as usual, but I'm positive I will make up for it at 12 months. Here are some (estimated) stats for 11 months:

~Wt-26 lbs
~Ht- 31 in
~Sleeps 11-12 hrs at night
~Naps 2/day for about 2 hrs
~Eats everything! He is eating about 1/4 baby food (mostly because I am too lazy to make him stuff) and 3/4 table food
~still takes 3 bottles/day (again, DREADING having to stop this)

M has been so curious lately. It's so fun to stop and watch him... he is definately developing some kind of thought process. We have finally put the baby gate at the bottom of the stairs, and he loves playing with the gate. I had no clue it would serve as such a play toy. Only problem is that he has learned how to open the door of the gate, so it doesnt really serve it's function anymore. He can also turn door handles and lock doors. When my dad was watching him one day, he sent me a picture of him outside and Mason inside... he had locked dad outside! He is pretty independent and can play by himself, but definately has times when he wants to be held. Luckily, he still loves to cuddle which is great for me!

loves playing with the pots and pans! by the end of the day i have pans scattered all over my house


Mason continues to be a great eater (as you can tell). He still gets some baby food, but we are transitioning to mostly table food. He loves avacados, potatoes, peaches, cheese, turkey, pasta and yogurt. Making dinners that you can feed a baby has definately made cooking harder. My amazing husband got me a personal cooking instructor for Christmas so she can help me make foods that are healthy for us and Mason as well. He is learning to feed himself, which actually makes feedings a little easier. I tried to give him a spoon just to see what he would do with it... TERRIBLE idea. Applesauce all over the walls! Obviously we are not ready for that fine motor skill.

this is what happens when you give an 11 month old a jar of applsauce and a spoon
One of the most exciting things is watching Mason learn to stand up. He pulls up on everything and can stand up by himself for a very short time, but hasn't shown much interest in walking yet. I guess he feels he can get anywhere he wants by need to walk. He loves chasing Cali around, and of course Cali hates it now that he can move as quickly as she can. It's quite entertaining to watch. He is also starting to pick up on words. He can say mama, dada, dog, sister, and uh oh. I was holding him one day when Cali ran inside, Mason looked at her and said "dog". Now that may have been a complete coincidence, but I claim that he is just that smart already! He was playing with his friend Will during the Super Bowl and said what sounded like "uh oh"... he now says that every time he drops something.

It's been a roller coaster of a month... starting with my grandad's death, then Kyle and I both got the stomach flu, but watching Mason grow is something that ALWAYS brings a smile to my face. He certainly knows how to melt his mommy's heart!

Time to start planning a birthday party!!