Saturday, March 24, 2012


For those of you who know me really well, you know that I HATE clutter. It gives me major anxiety and puts me in a terrible mood. That is why twice a year (in the Spring and Fall) I go on a major de-cluttering project. I usually try to do this when Kyle is gone that way I can throw out whatever I want and he will never know it is missing. I began my project yesterday with Mason's closet. Because our house doesn't have a finished attic, we really don't have anywhere to put storage. All of Mason's old clothes/toys/baby items were sitting in the floor of his closet. NOT OKAY!! So when Kyle was out of town, I decided it was time to conquer the closet. I got all of his old clothes up to 18 months (because yes, he is wearing 18-24 month clothing) and put it in storage bins. Here we go:
just the 3 months clothing

all newborn onsies from the hospital

newborn sleepers

newborn socks
What I have learned for the next baby is that I absolutely don't need this much newborn stuff because I will have nowhere to put it when he grows out of it. It took me 5 20 galloon bins to fit all his newborn clothes. Now I am struggling with where to put the bins! Anyways, updates to come on the spring de-cluttering project.