Saturday, June 8, 2013

A summer to remember...

With a new baby coming in LESS than 2 weeks, I decided it was past time to update my blog with the past couple months. The last thing this OCD mom wants is to worry about updating her blog in the midst of pushing a baby into this world. So here we go. (I have found it increasingly difficult to carry around my huge camera to capture special moments, so unfortunately I've either missed photo opps or resorted to taking them with the dinky iPhone).

I'm pretty sure that Mason knows life is about to drastically change for us... why else would he decide to start potty training and crawling out of his crib within weeks of baby brother coming. Needless to say, we have bought the pull-ups and "big boy" underwear and taken this potty thing head on. I should define head on... I have days where I press it really hard and he does fabulous and days where I could care less if he never sits on the potty a single time. Way to be consistent, mom. I must say I am shocked to find that he actually understands the concept and enjoys going potty in his very own toilet. The poopie thing.. not so much. Which I must admit, I'm okay with for now.

He has also decided that he doesn't want to be contained in a crib any longer. One day I looked at his monitor during nap time to find him missing. Of course I freaked out. This is only days after I found him outside in the grass with the dog at 7 in the morning (despite having to open 2 baby gates and a "babyproof" front door). Another morning I found him in the bathroom sink at 5 AM brushing his teeth. Needless to say, we have ordered the toddler conversion for his crib. Not that it is going to keep him contained... it just means he doesnt have to do cartwheels to get out of it.

Now that we have warm weather, Mason and I spend a lot of time outside. It is his favorite place to be, regardless of what we are doing. We have loved our weekly zoo outings with friends, trips to the pool, and we are learning to ride a "bike" (tricycle that is) and play baseball.

Mason attended his first Auburn football game. He was absolutely worn out and ended up falling asleep for most of it
Mason LOVES building forts with Kyle. He really loves when Cali crawls in with him, but this usually involves enticing her with a treat
I mean, how can you get mad at that face??
When Kyle travels, Mason and I head to chik fil a for dinner. We love going on family night because mr. balloon man makes animals AND we get free ice cream. Whats better in life than that??
With all our home projects we've undertaken lately, Mason has become a big fan of Home Depot. He loves riding on the lawn mowers... Im pretty sure that the people who work there hate us. It's just a 2 year old on a 2,000$ piece of biggie. They havent kicked us out yet...

one cool boy.. who still requires a paci

 We also went to the beach with my whole family, so I'll have pictures of that in the next blog.