Monday, December 3, 2012

Happy Turkey Day!

Why does it take a national holiday, filled with fatty, unhealthy food, a big parade of every kids character you can imagine, and cute little turkey embroidered shirts for me to realize how much I have to be thankful for? Why do I think I am entitled to the things I have... because Kyle works hard? because I try to be a "good" Christian person (whatever that even means)? because I come from a good family who showered me with everything a girl could want? I don't deserve half of the things I have. This year, more than ever, it has hit me how truly blessed I am. I am thankful for a day like Thanksgiving to bring me back to reality... it's not my material possessions (though dont get me wrong..  I love my "stuff") that really matter... it's watching my beautiful, healthy son laugh at himself, having a husband who loves and adores me despite my failures, having an amazing church to call home, and a family who I can always count on to be my backbone. Most of all, it's having God's grace to cover my sins when I definately don't deserve it. Everything else is merely an added bonus.

A couple Sunday's ago, our preacher said something that has stayed locked away in my head.. he said (paraphrased and perhaps not as well spoken) he would go into his son's room at night after he was asleep and say, "God, if you never give me anything else in life... you have already given me more than I ever need". I feel like that is true of my life. I've had more blessings in my 26 years than most people do in a lifetime. I pray for contentment in what I have instead of a desire to always have more.
how can I not be thankful for this animal?! BEST DOG EVER!

My challenge to myself is to not wait 365 days until next Thanksgiving to say thank you.

attempt at a cousin shot... we always have such big hopes for pictures but they never go as planned!