Wednesday, November 9, 2011

8 months

I know I am very behind on my blogging, so I have LOTS to catch up on! Mason has grown up SO much this month...he is truly turning into a little boy. I've said this before but this is my favorite stage thus far...he is interacting with Kyle and I and makes us laugh every day. We didn't have a Dr. visit this much, but these are my best calculations:

~Weight: 28lb
~Height: 30 in
~eats 3 meals/day and 3 bottles/day
~still sleeps about 10-11 hrs at night and 2 naps/day
~ favorite foods: peas, sweet potatoes, oatmeal, squash, carrots, and bananas

here is the start of our 8 month photo shoot: pictures are not quite as easy as they used to be!

he has discovered how fascinating his tongue is

Mason continues to be an excellent eater. Nothing that he won't eat, although he still doesn't care for pears. We finally progressed to Stage 2 foods this month...thanks to my sister for the prompting. I was getting very comfortable feeding him Stage 1's and honestly I didn't even think about progressing forward until my sister asked what stage he was on. I guess I want him to be a baby forever. He snacks on yogurt melts, organic puffs, and cheerios now. We are working on picking up foods and putting them in our mouth... he has about a 10% success rate! He does GREAT with his sippie cup. We only put water in it (unfortuantely for go-go and gramps who desperately want him to have juice).

Mason loves playing with his toys, but has a special love for bouncy balls. Maybe this mean he will play baseball?? Hopefully!! He still loves his walker and johnny jumper (although he is WAY over the weight limit for it). Unfortunately, we had to retire the exersaucer since he outgrew it and cried every time we put him in it. Our little man is into EVERYTHING... he has learned how to open the cabinets and pull out the pots and pans. We are making a trip this weekend to buy safety locks. I thought surely this wouldnt be a problem until he started to crawl, but that was completely inaccurate. He can get anywhere/do anything in his walker. He hasnt started crawling yet, but he is trying so hard and is SO close!

he gets into the crawling position but doesnt take steps forward yet

this is his "im tired, i want to take a nap" face

He has two teeth that have come through and is about to have another one come through on top. He continues to get a little fussy with teething pains, but cold teething toys seem to help now. It is much easier to take him out to lunch/dinner with friends since he can sit in a highchair by himself! The most exciting thing of the month: he can say "dada". Actually, he says it all the time. We got it on video the first time, so when I learn how to upload videos I will post it. It is the CUTEST thing ever! Of course, I wish he would say "mama", seeing how he lived inside me for 9 month, but for now "dada" is good! It is so fun to listen to him "talk"...again one of the funnest stages yet!

We love you Mason and are enjoying every second of watching you grow up!!