Friday, August 3, 2012

17 months

I have been slacker mom this month with taking pictures, so unfortunately this blog doesn't have many pictures BUT... read because Mason has done lots of exciting things since my 15 month blog. Because I have so much to say, I'm going to write in blurps this time...

~ Mason is talking up a storm- most of it is still in his foreign language, but we can make out about 15-20 real words (some of his favorites are cracker, shoes, water, ball, fish, sister.....)

~He is starting to understand concepts. Kyle and I can say "do you want to go get the mail?" and he knows to run to the front door. We can say "do you want to brush your teeth" and he knows to go in the bathroom and get this toothbrush. We can ask him where his shoes are and he goes to find them. His favorite thing is to help me cook... I can say "do you want to help mommy cook dinner" and he runs to the kitchen island where he sits and watches me. He is obsessed with the phone...loves holding it to his ear and saying "hello!". The other day I found him putting the shapes in their corresponding holes. Everyday he surprises me with something new that he understands. I'm perplexed with how he understands these things yet doesn't understand that if he jumps on the couch he gets in trouble?!

~Mason has gotten quite a few boo boo's this month. The worst have been the times when he has fallen off the couch...
dont judge... yes i took a picture of his boo boo BUT i gave him a popsicle first :)
~We officially have transitioned to one nap a day. I was extremely hesitant at first but I must say I LOVE it! We have found lots of fun things to fill our time in the morning, but our favorite is definately the pool!
Mason and his friend Will attended a class at Monkey's Treehouse and they did awesome!

~My favorite thing that Mason has learned: how to give mommy and daddy kisses! LOVE IT!