Monday, August 8, 2011

Visit with Family

The Creamer's have had an exciting weekend~ Kyle's parents and brother were able to come in town for a weekend visit. Unfortunately I had to work most of the weekend so I didn't get much time to spend together, but Kyle had a great visit with them. It is always so nice having an extra set of hands to help out with Mason! Here are some pictures to capture the excitement:

So glad we got to spend some time with the family and of course, that they got to spend some time with Mason. Thanks for coming!

We also got to celebrate with our friends Kyle and Megan as their little boy, Will, turned ONE! I absolutely can not believe it has been one year since we were visiting them at the hospital the day after he was born. Time has flown by and I have so enjoyed watching little Will grow up this past year. Happy Birthday!!
 of note... mason weighs the same at his 4month WCV as Will did at his one year WCV. I have a BIG boy!

This past week Mason has also learned how to roll completely over. For a while he could roll onto his belly but then he would just get stuck there and scream until I flipped him back over. I guess he got tired of being on his belly because during his nap one day he just decided to go ahead and flip right back over to his back. It has made his naps MUCH better since he can flip himself over and not depend on me. It always amazes me when he learns new things because he acts as if he has been doing it sweat just flip right on over. (I took a really good video of this but I don't know how to upload videos unto my computer yet...will figure it out soon).

He thinks his daddy is the funniest person in the world!
 He looks terrified of the camera...I think it is the flash that freaks him out?!?